We All Have a Right to Live in Safe, Healthy Neighborhoods

IZ LogoInclusionary Zoning is a land use tool that cities and counties across the country are using to create thousands of quality housing units in mixed-income neighborhoods. IZ works best when customized to meet the needs of local communities. Over 500 jurisdictions currently use some form of IZ to foster equitable communities and affirmatively further fair housing. Oregon and Texas are the only states in the country that have banned the tool.

The Oregon Inclusionary Zoning Coalition is an alliance of over 35 community-based and public policy organizations that care about ensuring housing opportunities for everyone. Our goal is to repeal the ban on inclusionary housing (ORS 197.309), and encourage jurisdictions to promote local IZ policies. Help us repeal this ban so all Oregonians have opportunities to live in great neighborhoods.

Top 5 reasons to Support IZ:

  1. Allows cities to better meed housing needs within local communities.
  2. Mitigates against displacement, concentrated poverty, and racial segregation.
  3. Frees up limited public resources for homeless and families in need.
  4. Ensures compliance with federal Fair Housing Civil Rights laws.
  5. Promotes community health, prosperity, and social equity.

Top Three Myths about IZ

  1. Developers won’t invest and we’ll lose jobs

FALSE. Jurisdictions using IZ have not seen any slow down in building or job creation; private developers are used to adjusting to changing market conditions

  1. Jurisdictions don’t want this, and aren’t using available incentives

FALSE. Developers know they don’t have to play ball because of the prohibition the Homebuilders’ Association passed in 1999, leaving jurisdictions with little to no leverage. The carrots are only as sweet as the stick is strong.

  1. We’re trying to force private developers to solve all of society’s ills

FALSE. Inclusionary housing does not force the private sector to deal directly with affordable housing or homelessness. IZ requires the private sector to support workforce housing development for moderate-income families, many of whom are squeezed by rising housing prices and rents that directly result from speculation, market-rate development, and gentrification.